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Teenagers and their phones
Teens and computer screens Screen-agers Social media


Talking Teens is proud to offer you a FREE three-part challenge to help you be in the best place to tackle the struggles of the



With this free download, you will learn strategies to assist bringing about awareness of screen usage in your home. 


With the focus on understanding, empathy and building trust, Screen-agers! is just one part of the popular Talking Teens e-course #10Days2TeenTalk

The Ultimate Recipe for 

Being Friends with

your Teen

Further to my blog and article about being friends with your teen, let me share my recipe for success.This is one of my favourite recipes! I would almost go as far as saying it could be signature dish! I hope you enjoy my never fail recipe to 'Being friends with your teen'.

Best served with love (and maybe a glass of wine if needs be) xx

Attitude Adjustment

Teenage Attitude

The first sign of impending 'teenage-hood' seems to be when the 'attitude' kicks in! 


Talking Teens offers you this three page - FREE - download to enable you to get your head around this very challenging, and somewhat destructive stage. 

With tips on why what and when to best deal with teen attitude and how your attitude contributes, this is a great first point of call. 


Keep an eye out for the upcoming podcast series which will delve more deeply into how to survive and even thrive with simple Attitude Adjustments!

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