5 things to consider before losing your sh!t
There are many things that can impact on the day to day drama and challenges that may not even be the fault of your teen, or at least not...
Encouraging the Adult & Acknowledging the Child: helping your teen become an adult.
I often refer to teenagers as Adults in Training. The teen stage is all about the transition from dependent child to independent adult....
Supporting the sensitive teen through the heaviness of the grown up world.
For a parent with a teen who is struggling emotionally, it can be difficult and confronting to deal with. I would often lay awake worried...
Wham! Bam! parenting - why My Way or the Highway does not work
Wham! Bam! parenting? The parenting style that fights fire with fire, my way or the highway, a battle of wills, I am going to make sure I...
But I only just made it the Guest Room!
Last year two-thirds of my children left home at the same time. I was incredibly proud of Eldest and Middle and only a little bit scared...
Boundaries! I am often asked about what are acceptable boundaries for our teens and how to go about implementing them. The quick answer...
The Instruction Manual to Raise Great Teens!
My teens are happy, healthy and exactly where they should be developmentally. It would not be possible without me getting educated about mo
The 14 year old Shit Show
Having a 14 year old can be a challenging time. Actually it can be nothing short of a shit-show if I am honest. And yet it is a perfectly...
Teens Do Dumb Things
One thing that you can almost guarantee is that your teen will mostly likely lie to you at some stage and will almost certainly do...
The Secret To Raising Teens
As I have (half) jokingly said in the past, I struggled with being a parent when my kids were younger. I put myself under a huge amount...